Microsoft, Amazon, Google, Snap, Facebook Apple, Magic Leap and others are all working on some form of smart glasses or headset that will change how we view the world around us. Instead of pulling a phone out of our pockets to talk to people or interact with apps, we may do these things simply by speaking to, and looking through, a set of glasses. There’s a race to be the first to make a set of glasses that everyone will wear, which means they have to be fashionable and sleek enough to wear all day and everywhere you go.
Most of the biggest names in Big Tech are racing to create smart glasses that we wear everywhere and that may replace our phones.
We have consistently told you that the drive to full human microchip implantation comes in three stages, which are as follows:
- STAGE ONE: Getting the whole world in front of a computer. This was successfully accomplished in 1994 with the twin whammy of the release of the Internet for public use, and the stratospheric rise of Windows software in personal computing systems. This stage lasted from 1994 to 2007, when Apple was the first company to market with a successful mobile device, or smartphone as they are commonly called.
- STAGE TWO: Getting the computer on you. Now that the whole world was attached to personal computers and laptops, Stage Two is where the computer went from being in front of you to being on you. Stop anyone one the street and ask them to you show their mobile device, and you will see it is somewhere on their body. The stage began as previously stated in 2007 with the iPhone from Apple, and is currently coming to an end here now in 2019/2020. Stage Three is the third and final stage in this process.
- STAGE THREE: Getting the computer inside you. Augmented reality smart glasses, in all their varied mutations, are the bridge to human implantable microchips and computer processors. When this stage is fully realized, wearers of the smart glasses will be able to have full 3D interactions in the air as computers screens as we know them today will cease to exist. The technology that will be developed during this stage, 2020 – 2026/28, will include implantable devices that will supplement the smart glasses. This is where Augmented Reality and human implantable will merge .
All of this is the precursor to the coming One World System under Antichrist, and his Mark of the Beast. Now you can see that when the Mark is rolled out, it will not be some new thing that boggles people’s minds, no, just the opposite. When the Mark of the Beast comes along after the Pretribulation Rapture of the Church, the Mark will simply be the ‘latest and greatest’ piece of technology to a world that has already been using Augmented Reality systems and gotten used to seeing things in 3D.
There’s a race to replace our iPhones with smart glasses we wear everywhere
FROM CNBC: Microsoft, Amazon, Google, Snap, Facebook Apple, Magic Leap and others are all working on some form of smart glasses or headset that will change how we view the world around us. Instead of pulling a phone out of our pockets to talk to people or interact with apps, we may do these things simply by speaking to, and looking through, a set of glasses.
If glasses replace common gadgets like our phones or computer screens, it will mean big business to the company that comes out on top.
But we’re likely years away from that. Today, most AR headsets are too big, too expensive and simply too weird-looking to make sense for everyday use. That’s not keeping tech companies from trying though. Here’s where everyone stands right now.
Microsoft Advanced Augmented Reality Products
Microsoft is working on advanced augmented reality products. Its HoloLens 2 headset went on sale last week and a modified version is being tested by the Army to make soldiers more effective on the battlefield. Called IVAS, the Army’s version can overlay images like the positions of fellow soldiers and the enemy over the vision of the soldiers who wear the HoloLens headsets. And soldiers can use it for training to see how they performed during battle simulations.